Lourdes Mariel Rosario


I was living in a two-bedroom apartment and my daughter slept in one room and my husband slept in the other while the baby and I stayed in the living room all night. My baby would not sleep unless I was holding him and if I tried to set him down, he would scream and wake everyone up. I was suffering with horrible postpartum depression and could not see a light at the end of the tunnel.

I booked a consultation with Jessalyn and within one week, my baby slept the ENTIRE night in his OWN bed! I could not believe it. Once we started sleeping, I was able to get help for postpartum depression and started to feel like myself again.

I cannot explain the change that came from teaching my son how to sleep. Thanks to The Sleep Fairy Way, my family can all sleep in a bedroom now and we are so happy and well-rested.