You Can't Spoil a Newborn

I don't know who needs to hear this, but... you cannot spoil a newborn!

As a baby sleep consultant and mother of 4, I want to ASSURE you that you absolutely cannot spoil a newborn and there’s no such thing as snuggling your newborn too much, regardless of what people around you are saying to you as you hold your baby.

Your baby was in your womb for 9 months, so it makes perfect sense why they want to be close to you and in your arms in those early weeks/months!

Newborns thrive on the warmth of your touch and the sound of your voice. So go ahead, mama. Cuddle them, snuggle them, and soak it up. Guilt free. You're creating a bond that will last a lifetime.

Don't hold back, mama; you're doing an amazing job!
