What NOT to Say to a New Mom

Have you ever noticed that somehow everyone becomes a "baby expert" overnight when you're a new mom? 😂 From "You should try this!" to "Back in my day..."—we've heard it all!

Here are just a few that have been said to me personally:

"When are you planning to have your next child?" (I ran away crying because we were in the thick of infertility)

"You look SO tired!" Thanks? I gave birth 3 days ago and haven’t slept since because of medical complications.

"You better take that blanket out of your baby’s carseat, that will damage your baby" (It was snowing…)

"When and how do you think you’ll lose the baby weight?" Good times.

“If you actually nursed instead of pumped, you wouldn’t be having these issues in the first place” - From a Medical Professional I went to for help 😑

Sometimes people around us forget that being a mom is the most beautiful yet challenging job of our lives. Some people forget we are already tired, feeling fragile, overwhelmed, emotional, suffering from PPD, in pain, dealing with hormone changes, and the list goes on. And above all, some people forget we are humans, too? I don’t understand it🙈,

But what I DO understand, and know to be true, is that YOU are the perfect mom for your baby. Nobody will ever know your baby like you do, and you’re doing an incredible job.

Trust yourself. Be confident in yourself. You were made for this, mama.

And if you’re feeling like postpartum is throwing you for a loop, check out my FREE postpartum guide HERE.

You’ve got this!
